Thursday, July 29, 2010

A new leaf, a new idea, a new plan.

So, I stopped posting here a while ago because, frankly, I felt like it was really a waste of time. Hardly anyone read it and I felt like I was just bitching. I've decided now, that I'll be adding this as a feed to my facebook, and I'm going to use it as place for me to type what ever I want to type, and people can read it or not, it don't matter to me.

So, with that, fair warning : This is going to be a blog of Gid. My thoughts, feelings, and personal experiences. Some of it may be somewhat crass, but it's what I'm seeing, doing, and thinking. So take it as you will.

That being said, what has been going on with the Gid and his gamer brain. Well, he is now working again. YAY! I work for Coinstar/Redbox in their customer service department. I love the job, and it's really nice to be earning money again. I've also used my first paycheck to put myself back into the front lines of gaming by buying one of them new fancy Xbox 360 Slims! So you'll see blog posts of my joys and woes of that from time to time. Beyond that, it's work, sleep, and games/movies, cause that's how I roll.

Now that we're caught up, I do have something I want to put down on paper as one would say. I'm starting to question my own gaming habits. Not so much that I game, but how I game. I've always been someone who is constantly striving to do the best possible in a game. All the achievements, perfect game, etc. And I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth it. This comes as I've been playing Crackdown for my xbox, attempting to get all the achievements even though I've already beat the game. I'm not so sure I want to earn those achievements, or that I care that I don't have them. The game was fun, and I really enjoyed beating it. But I'm starting to notice my opinion of the game is going down hill as I force myself to play through it over and over trying to get these stupid achievement points that do absolutely nothing for me. Why push the issue? I played the game, I beat the game, and I enjoyed my time with it. Why should I not leave it at that?

I think I'm going to turn over a new gaming leaf. No longer will I strive to have the perfect game. No longer will I aim for every achievement possible and do research to have a perfect game. I'm playing a game! I should be having fun, not doing homework. For now on, I'm going to play a game by the seat of my pants, and if I'm not having fun, I'm going to stop and play something else! Because that's how a game should be played. So, no more trying to get a "complete" or "master" on my backloggery (, "beat" is just fine with me, as long as I do it my way, and enjoy it!

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