So, you're an assassin, and you kill stuff. The end.
Ok, ok. really. There is not a whole lot of depth to this game. Go to point A, do X, go to point B, do Y, repeat. The game itself is a joy to look at and the story line is rather catching but other then that, the game play is pretty "meh". There are a few reasons for this. First and foremost the game is either named incorrectly or I was playing the wrong game the entire time because there is little actual time spent as an "assassin" sneaking around killing people. It should have been named Street Thug Creed. Sure you killed one, maybe two people on your mission with a stealth assassination but the rest of the time you were either fighting off waves of guys with swords in noodle time or running for your life looking for a place to hide. Not really very assassin like in my opinion.
Another issue I had with the game was actually one of the final missions. This is when I learned that our fearless hero could not swim. Seriously? Lets think about this for a minute. In all the years of training to become a bad ass killing machine, swimming was never once thought of? If a fat, mustached plumber in blue overalls can swim, why can't the most skilled assassin from the guild?
Finally, the game is limited by it's repetitiveness. One can only scale so many towers and save so many helpless citizens before they just stop caring and start skipping it all in order to beat the game. I found myself basically ignoring anything that was not story line related because those are the only parts of the game I've not done 400 times already.
On the positive side, the story line was actually really good. I found myself deeply interested in who was who and what was going on. The twists and turns of the plot are rather subtle and makes for an overall enjoyable experience, as long as you aim for the story alone and skip all the side stuff. I also rather enjoyed the simplistic combat system. It allowed me to play the game in a casual mind set and focus more on the great story.
So, to sum everything up!
Pros :
- Good graphics
- Great story line
- Easy controls.
Cons :
- Too repetitive
- Can't swim? Really?
- does not live up to it's title.
Gid score, 3 outta 5. The story was the redeeming factor.
Rent it or borrow from a friend unless you really enjoy the game.
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